Friday, April 28, 2017

Rough week


I have been good and have done EVERYTHING that has been asked of me.

There has been nerve pain this week. I haven't had nerve pain in 4 months.

Called the doctor yesterday and didn't hear back from anyone.

Couldn't find my back brace this morning.

There is pain when I sit, stand, and walk. Even putting my shoes on this morning was difficult.

Trying to stay positive. Telling myself that something is inflamed. Hoping that nothing has moved.

I just want to cry.

Monday, April 24, 2017

Back to Work

I can't believe that I'm saying this but it is good to be back at work. Four months at home in bed was miserable. My return was timed perfectly, eight days at work followed by four school days off for spring break. Those first days back I was just trying to get back into a routine. Most of those days I spent looking for things in my health room that had been moved. You never know how bad your OCD is until you take four months off work.
After the trip to Disney I started to have trouble with an ingrown toenail. Long story short I have been on antibiotics and had it professional removed during spring break. It is healing now. I'm proud of myself because I only missed one day of physical therapy. 

It's hard to believe that in 32 days summer break will start. The anxiety of the end of the year checklist is starting. Thank goodness that the NJHS students will be helping me out this year. I am still limited to the amount that I can lift. If you only knew how many personal items are in my office. It will get done but remembering that I can't do it by myself will be the struggle.

Monday, April 10, 2017

Healing Nicely

I had my 2 month post-op x-rays and visit with the surgeon. It was great to hear that everything is healing well. 

It is amazing to me how well I'm healing. I can't thank the surgeon enough for giving me my life back. I'm active again. There is pain but it is from sore muscles and healing incisions. The nerve pain is gone!

I felt strong enough to WALK on our recent trip to Walt Disney World. We took 12,000+ steps during our 4 day visit to the parks. On the last day I did give in and get a scooter for a few hours. No roller coasters on this trip but maybe next visit.