Monday, November 5, 2018

It's A Bridge...Get Over it

This is my favorite race. The official times and pictures are not available yet but I feel great!

There was a slight chill in the area but the sun shone bright. I started the race with a light jacket. Once we were moving I warmed up quickly and lost the jacket around 1.5 mile. My running companion was my daughter again this year. She danced and sang the entire 6.2 miles. I love that this is how we get "girl" time in. Not sure who will be running with me next year. She has been my biggest cheerleader. 

I turned on my Extra Mile podcast and listened to Jeff Galloway encouraging words. There was no fear of the sweeper buses this year because 1.) I have been training consistently and 2.) we started in a much earlier corral then assigned. I also learned the importance of anti-chafe and what areas might need it. 
I have traveled across this bridge many times since moving to Maryland 15 years ago. Shortly after moving here my parents came to visit and I drove them across the bridge. My dad asked me later why we had gone over to turn around and come back. My reply "isn't it an awesome bridge". I still think that the bridge is awesome and love that they open it once a year for this race. May I have many more bridge crossings.

My only regret is that I will never complete the puzzle. I needed to start in 2014 to get all the pieces.