Wednesday, November 8, 2017

I Beat the Bridge!

Obi Wan Kenobi you are my only hope
Ben and Kathryn were at my side for the entire race. During the last mile I needed their support to help me cross the finish line.

I'm in it for the bling

Why would you walk over a bridge? The views!

Friday, November 3, 2017

Training for the bridge

The month of October is dedicated to training for a 10k.
I'm nervous because:
Not sure I can finish the run in the time allocated.
I haven't walked this distance in a long time.
I hate this bridge!

School is back in session

Some of us were more excited about the first day back to school. For me it was back to work without pain. I'm excited to get back to "normal". It's going to be a great school year.

Talked some wonderful friends and my daughter to compete in the DC Color Run. Everyone had a wonderful time and added more bling to their collection.
When making your follow-up appointments with the neurosurgeon I recommend that it is prior to any activities like a 5k. He was a worried when I told him that I was experiencing pain (but it was just muscle pain). He told me I was a "neurosurgeons worst nightmare" and wanted to know if I would be jumping out of planes any time soon.

I forgot to download the x-ray for the follow-up appointment. My back is healing well. The neurosurgeon said that they consider this a fusion. I will still need to follow-up with him at least one more time but he is very happy. I haven't been cleared to run yet but it's coming. 

August is for spending time with the family

Every year we travel to northwest Pennsylvania to spend time with my husbands family. It is our little slice of heaven. The kids catch pollywogs in the pond and there is no set bed time. We sit around the table playing cards and laughing with multiple generations. At night you fall asleep listening to the peepers.

I was able to complete my virtual run in August. Since Pluto was the mascot for this years race I took the puppies with me on the last "run".

September I will be see the neurosurgeon again. I hope that everything is healing well.