Thursday, October 25, 2018

Jefferson Patterson Park Museum 5K

I have some mixed feelings about this race. 

The calf pain drama continues. I am learning to listen to my body and seek professional advice when needed. On Thursday I had an appointment with the orthopedist to get to the bottom of this pain. X-rays showed nothing of significance. The finally diagnosis is bi-lateral calf strains. Doctors (ugh), ice the calves 3 times a day, compression socks during the day, and ibuprofen. He did say that I could walk at a leisurely pace.

There was a part of me that thought about skipping the race. It was a cold, dreary morning and I was disappointed with being sidelined. After reminding myself of how far I have come we were ready to go. 

Since I was going to have a leisurely race experience Kathryn went on head of me. Goal-just to cross the finish line and enjoy the park. Threw on The Extra Mile Podcast so I could hear Jeff Galloway cheering me on. As fellow racers started to pass me my competitive nature kicked in. On those flat stretches I had to remind myself not to run. I didn't want to finish last and paid the price for it. 

Cardiac Hill

After the race we were super hungry. Celebratory breakfast at Bob Evans. Everyone looked at me funny because of my fashion statement. I see nothing wrong with my Sparkle Skirt, compression sleeves and flip flops. 

The remainder of Saturday was spent resting with ice packs strapped to my legs. 

Looking forward to the Across the Bay 10k in November!

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Inflatables and other great things

The name of this race says it all. Who doesn't love running from inflatable obstacle to inflatable obstacle?

Go team am-BASS-adors! We were not out to beat any personal records but to cross the finish line in one piece.

There are more videos available on my youtube page.

I made it through week 4 of C25K. 

My husband rubbing my feet and calves after my long runs.

I was able to get a few personal records during week 6 of C25K.