Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Took a long break

I have done very little over the last 2 months. After Princess weekend I stopped doing everything related to my health and fitness. I set my goals but quickly starting making excuses and poor choices. Work, school, children, husband and construction have been by go to excuses. 

April 23rd I went dress shopping for my daughter's graduation. We were able to find a few options for dresses but I know that I feel better in them if I lost 10 pounds. Now I have something on my calendar to keep me motivated. 

I pulled up my goals from my last post and took some time to reflect. Looks like it's time for some new goals.

May goals

1. Purchase a new gallon water jug. Tomorrow my jug will arrive.

2. Decrease my calorie intake to 1200 by logging into My Fitness Pal daily.

3. Weekly attend 3 session of aquatic exercise. 

My son has taken on the job of holding me accountable with the new goals. Let's kiss these old goals good-bye and start fresh tomorrow.
***I have been logging my daily calories and attending class since April 23rd

April goals
  1. Weekly meal planning
  2. Weekly breakfast meal prep
March goals
  1. Log all food and drink into my fitness pal
  2. Decrease soda intake - currently drinking up to 120 fluid ounces of Diet Dr. Pepper a day
  3. Increase water intake
  4. Eat something for breakfast every day - important since I'm now taking morning medications

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