Friday, January 3, 2020

Got my jingle on!

Many years ago, when I started my journey this was the first race that I participate in. The Arthritis Foundation’s Jingle Bell Run is the original festive race for charity. It’s where you can strut your stuff in your favorite holiday costume and FEEL GOOD about DOING GOOD. Together, we’ll jingle all the way to a cure – and have a fantastic time every step we take! I always try to make this race to support a former student and her battle with JRA.
Because this is a local race, I can cheer on many of my friends along the course. The course is mostly flat and is picturesque. This year I didn't have any running buddies to jingle along with me. My race buddy was at Walt Disney World for Christmas and my daughter was not home from college yet. 

Opted not to go overboard with my holiday cheer. I pulled out my Christmas themed sparkle skirt and wore my long sleeved race shirt.
It was a nice way to end the year. This year I logged 800 miles.

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