Monday, May 29, 2017

Yeah I'm doing this...

In 325 days I will be "running" the Star Wars 5k and 10k.
I think that I might have lost my mind!
How did I get talked into this?

So Obi-Wan, he likes me to call him Ben, tells me that the force is strong in me. He tells me that he will be at my side during training.

First day of training in the books. Thanks Ben for being there for me. Now to work on decreasing that  time.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

The little engine that could...

Talked with the neurosurgeon on Friday. It's one of those good news/bad news situation.
Good news!
Based on the x-ray, CT and MRI the hardware has not moved. Yeah! but that is lying down and doesn't show if there is any micro-movement. There is a great improvement to the lumbosacral joint opening compared to the images prior to surgery. That is medical talk for there is more space for the nerve to pass through. It is looking very textbook.

Bad news!
I'm still having pain. He wants to do to another epidural injection. This does not excite me. I have told him multiple times that I would NEVER do them again. I have placed a call to the pain clinic to schedule the injection. He is going to use it as a diagnostic tool to rule out micro-movement. I will also start back with physical therapy but this time in the pool.
I have a high school classmate that has a daughter that is the same age as my son, 11. She has given me perspective on my pain. She has FOP, a rare genetic disorder that causes bone to form in muscles, tendons, ligaments and other connective tissues. When I want to complain about my pain I think about this little superhero and how she never stops smiling.
I will get through this. I will work harder to get stronger. I will smile because every day is a blessing.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Deja vu

Monday afternoon I went to get more x-rays of my back. Hospital gowns are starting to became a part of my wardrobe.
On April 25th I started to experience some pain in my left butt cheek. The next day I went to physical therapy and it was painful to do my exercises (did them all; no excuses). Thursday I called the neurosurgeon. The pain remains in my left butt cheek but now there is tingling and itchiness to my toes and ankle.

Tuesday I saw the neurosurgeon in clinic. The appointment started off okay. I was excited to hear that based off my x-rays the hardware had not moved. He also thought that there was some inflammatory process going on causing the nerve pain. Amen! Steroids and let's call it a day.
Then the conversation turned to the symptoms that I'm having. My head starts to spin when he says that we might need to do a CT and MRI to check for micro movement. He says that the manufacture wants them to believe that support is not needed in the back and that's "bullshit". Only 4 small incisions. We will schedule the surgery in early June so you will be healed for the start of school.
We were aware that this was a possibility. Not sure who is more disappointed about this.

So Monday I will call to let him know if the pain has gone away. I am to continue physical therapy and can finish out the last 24 days of school. Trying to remember that there are worse situations that I could be in.
P.S. The flyer below hangs on the wall at the neurosurgeons office. It is the only thing hanging on the wall at the office. I'm pretty sure that Ebloa is so 2015. Anyone out there need spam?