Wednesday, May 24, 2017

The little engine that could...

Talked with the neurosurgeon on Friday. It's one of those good news/bad news situation.
Good news!
Based on the x-ray, CT and MRI the hardware has not moved. Yeah! but that is lying down and doesn't show if there is any micro-movement. There is a great improvement to the lumbosacral joint opening compared to the images prior to surgery. That is medical talk for there is more space for the nerve to pass through. It is looking very textbook.

Bad news!
I'm still having pain. He wants to do to another epidural injection. This does not excite me. I have told him multiple times that I would NEVER do them again. I have placed a call to the pain clinic to schedule the injection. He is going to use it as a diagnostic tool to rule out micro-movement. I will also start back with physical therapy but this time in the pool.
I have a high school classmate that has a daughter that is the same age as my son, 11. She has given me perspective on my pain. She has FOP, a rare genetic disorder that causes bone to form in muscles, tendons, ligaments and other connective tissues. When I want to complain about my pain I think about this little superhero and how she never stops smiling.
I will get through this. I will work harder to get stronger. I will smile because every day is a blessing.

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