Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Epidural Injection Day

Not me or my doctors - Shock photo
I swore that I would NEVER do another epidural injection.

Today was my 4th and hopefully last epidural injection EVER! My anxiety was through the roof today. I asked to go home several times today but my husband would not allow it. The neurosurgeon wanted us to do due diligence and see if injected I would experience pain relief. Not holding my breath.

Size of the needle that was used
It starts with you being taken back into the procedure room. Here you get to pull your pants down past your butt and climb on the table. You lay down on your stomach, not so easy with back pain. Your back is washed with cold, brown soap (from my old pediatric ER days) and drapes are placed to have a sterile work space. Today I was lucky enough to receive 4 lidocaine injections. One at L4 and one at L5. When they tried to insert the needle (see above) there was some discussion of pain, some tears, 2 more lidocaine injections and some more tears. After the table and x-ray machines was adjusted several (thousand) times (see the first photo) we were ready for the needles.

This is were being a nurse that has assisted with lumbar punctures (spinal taps) does not help with your anxiety. Yes that is the size of the needles. No that is not my back. Since the area is numb the placement of the needles does not hurt. Placement is checked using radioactive dye. You can feel the dye being injected. More adjustments are made to the table and x-ray machine (not sure about the needles). 

Now they will inject lidocaine and steroids into both needles. You can feel this injection as well. Needles are removed and they clean up all the cold, brown soap. Now I get to slowly sit up and wipe the tears away. The x-ray tech let me know that I seemed to be an old pro. Made my walk to the recovery room and had some ginger ale. Met up with my driver and support system for the day after 15 minutes to head home.

Don't let the smile fool you. Trying to hide my anxiety.
I was at home and sleeping by 11:00. Not calling it a nap since I slept to 3. Thank goodness my family was here to support me today. Don't know how I would do this without them.

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