Thursday, June 29, 2017

Osteoclast and Osteoblast

Saw the neurosurgeon today and we talked about how to handle the pain that I am in. There was pictures drawn and examining x-rays. We talked about osteoclast and osteoblast. The quick explanation is clast reabsorb old bone tissue while blast create new bone tissue. Right now I have more clast than blast. That means the fusion is not as stable. Around 6 months post-op the scale starts to tip towards more blasts. So it was decided that we would take the watch and see approach. In 3 months I will have another x-ray to see if there has been more bone growth. We will also re-evaluate my pain level. Hopefully in that time there will be a steady decrease in my pain and increased bone growth. If that happens we will not have to go through another surgery.

Next time I might just take the gown to keep. I'm really thinking that I could start a fashion trend if I be-dazzled it and added a belt.

As a family we traveled to Williamsburg, VA. for a lacrosse tournament. I was able to pack, drive, go to a water park, attend 5 lacrosse games and take care of my husband who was having a gallbladder attack. 

Adding to our stress we added 2 new members to the family. They are keeping us very busy but are helping me to stay active.

I wasn't able to attend Girl Scout camp this year. On Wednesday evening I did go for the campfire and received a few gifts while I was there. I miss being there but right now taking care of myself is priority number one.

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