Friday, August 25, 2017

July was over in a blink of an eye

The month started with last minute studying for the National Certified School Nurse Exam. Lucky for me I was able to study while waiting for my husband to get out of surgery. Unfortunately sitting on the waiting room chairs was hard on my back. The drive to Georgetown Hospital didn't help either. My focus shifted from me for awhile.

 Once my husband was healed it was time to start walking again. I went for a hike with my close friend Possum. I had never hiked these trails before and they were not labeled well. Hiking down to the beach was easy...

we couldn't find any sharks teeth...

we enjoyed the sights and sounds...

and then we got lost. Finally we decided to follow a deer path up the hill. After much huffing and puffing we reached our goal of 3.1 miles.

Not sure that I will ever follow Possum into the woods again!

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