Monday, February 12, 2018

Three weeks of training

What did I learned about myself?
I am not a quitter.
December 30, 2012 - I set the goal to run the Princess 10k. That was 5 years ago. I would start my training and quit. My back would hurt or my feet would go numb after 15 minutes of walking. I would get to week 2 of training and think there is no way I can do this. Week 3 my back would hurt so much that I would "take a break". Months would pass and I would try again. 
In other parts of my life I had not quit. I failed out of nursing school on the first try. Bring up my 1.2 GPA was not easy. Didn't quit! Got my bachelors degree and have a national certification. Why was this so difficult?
Fast forward to the last 3 weeks. I have hit my daily goal of 10k steps. I have stuck to my training schedule. There was one day that I fell short. Didn't let it get me down. Actually finished my Star Wars Virtual Half Marathon. It took me almost 5 hours but I finished. Earning these medals also provides a lot of motivation. I look forward to my training days.

I'm holding myself accountable but I also have great support. My husband has been helping to get the kids where they need to go so I can get my training in. My son keeps me on track with eating breakfast everyday and drinking only 1 soda a day. I have an accountability partner, friends and family that offer kind words or a kick in the pants. A wonderful group of doctors that have given me my life back.
I can't quit this time. I will do this for me!

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