Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Dark Side Half Marathon - 10k

Deja vu! It's race number 2!
Kellie woke me at 2:30am and I pleaded for 10 more minutes. Sadly I was denied for the second morning in a row. We got dressed in our 10k outfits, had a half of a half of a bagel (again with "it's a quarter") and walked to the buses.
 For this race I had a lot of anxiety. Kellie knew that she would be picked up by the sweeper bus but wanted to go as far as she could. I wanted to cross the finish line. This bus ride felt different. Not sure if it was due to the lighting on the bus, the anticipation, or my anxiety. 

The walk for the bus drop off seemed longer. I felt rushed getting to the corral. Kellie and I split up for gear drop off/bathroom breaks but then it took forever to find her.
Again we were in corral F. Not a great starting place so we knew we had to make our way to the front. During the pre-race fun we stretched and weaved through a mass of people. We had a great spot to view the monitors and start line. As each corral started I became more excited to start the race until...
I'm in the back! There are only 20 people behind me! How did this happen?
Take a deep breath...
I cross the start line and start to jog. Remember you can do this. I round a corner and see that Kellie is being passed by the balloon ladies. DON"T PANIC!
Take a deep breath...
Medics on bicycles are passing me to assist with a lady that has twisted her ankle. People who had stopped for a bathroom break are leaving the line and running. Just keep moving! You can do this!
Mile marker 1.
"Pump your arms. You're doing great." It can't be the balloon ladies already.

Don't panic! Keep close to them.
A medic on a bike goes by and asks if I'm okay. With a smile plastered to my face I let her know that I am great.
Take a deep breath...
"You've fallen behind pace. You need to pick it up or you'll be picked up."
Keep moving and smile. Don't stop! Don't quit!
Mile marker 2 is just up ahead.

"Ma'am you need to move off the course." What!?! My race can't end this way.
I start to cry. Ugly cry.
Thank you to all the runners at mile marker 2 for your love and support. Your words were kind and I heard them.
As we are loading the bus I can hear Kellie telling everyone that she was the first loser. The sweeper bus got to her first. She is offering kind words to everyone. Her words of advice to me "stop hiding your face, cry but hold your head up high".

I failed! It didn't matter what anyone said to me I failed.

It was a long ride to the finishing area. I am still ugly crying.
Thank you to all the Make-A-Wish volunteers for your love and support. At this point Kellie has all the volunteers turn because there is only one way to stop someone from crying. It didn't work; still ugly crying.
We received our medals and snack boxes. I have no desire to hang out at the post-race festivities so it's time to get on the resort bus.
Good friends know when you need to be alone and cry.

At least the outfit is cute
I was able to complete 2 miles in 34:24. Roughly a 17 min/mile pace. This was the same pace I had for the Across the Bay 10k. If I had been in a different corral I could have finished. I was on pace to finish in 1:48; the last person to cross the finish line did it at 2:22.
Take a deep breath...and a shower.
Good friends also know when you need breakfast.
“Asante sana squash banana!”
 I wore my 10k shirt but couldn't bring myself to wear the medal. It felt like I didn't earn it. Finally the crying had stopped and we had a full day ahead of us. Since we were not running in the half our plan was to drink around the world in Epcot.
There are 11 countries in Epcot's World Showcase. We made it to Canada for a Maple Popcorn Shake with Whiskey. The UK offered a Cider Flight but the only flavor I remember was black cherry. In France we had some sort of wine slushy. At the Akershus Royal Banquet in Norway I had this wonderful red drink that was yummy. Did not like the margarita from Mexico.  
The day had been exhausting both mentally and physically so we went back to the resort early. This weekend has made me realize that I am getting old physically. I will never grow up mentally.
These post took awhile to write because every time I think about this race I cry. The medal is hung on the rack with a sticker that clearly marks it as a DNF (did not finish).

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