Monday, March 11, 2019

What's next?

Now that the runDisney Princess Half weekend is over it is time adjust my S.M.A.R.T. goal. 

I have not picked a runDisney race to train for yet. Right now I'm going to focus on the Across the Bay 10k that will take place in November. While working towards my running goals I also need to incorporate strength training, stretching and diet modification. 

S.M.A.R.T. goal.

S. - Specific - Decrease my running pace
M. - Measurable (Motivating) - I want to decreased my time from 17:43 min/mile to 16:00 min/mile
A. – Achievable (Ambitious) - Decreasing my time by 1:43 seems ambitious
R. - RealisticGoing to add strength training and stretching into my training
T. – Time based - November for the Across the Bay 10k

Strength training and stretching

The local pool is offering some classes that I am interested in taking. The classes do not start until April but I'm hoping that I can attend a few classes before then. Since we are still in the middle on construction the home gym has been taken over but I'm hoping to squeak out a spot to start using my Beach Body subscription as well. 

Stretch and Strength LOW INTENSITY - This warm-water, low-impact class will build strength, balance and flexibility as it works your entire body. In our state-of-the-art warm-water pool you will stretch and strengthen your body using various water fitness equipment and body weight exercises designed to increase your core stability, gain a better range of motion and improve your overall strength.
Barre and Balance LOW INTENSITY - This ballet-inspired class is held in the warm water and teaches participants to perform rhythmic movements that sculpt, lengthen and tone. Ballet-based moves are synced with pool-power exercises that improve range of motion, muscular symmetry and balance. No ballet/dance background required.

Diet modification

Let me start by saying I hate cooking but I love food. Also I have taken college level courses on nutrition but still get overwhelmed. There are areas that I need to improve on so that is were I'll start. Again all of this would be easier if my kitchen wasn't currently stripped to the studs. 

March goals
  1. Log all food and drink into my fitness pal
  2. Decrease soda intake - currently drinking up to 120 fluid ounces of Diet Dr. Pepper a day
  3. Increase water intake
  4. Eat something for breakfast every day - important since I'm now taking morning medications
April goals
  1. Weekly meal planning
  2. Weekly breakfast meal prep


January - 
February - runDisney Princess 5k and 10k
March - 
April - 
May - 
June - runDisney Marvel virtual 5k
July - runDisney Marvel virtual 5k
August - runDisney Marvel virtual 5k
September - 
October - 
November - Across the Bay 10k
December - Jingle Bell Run 5k

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