Monday, March 11, 2019

2019 Princess Weekend - 5k

We had a super early wake up call for the 5k. I was grouchy and had a low tolerance for people. My back was hurting and it was causing me to be anxious about finishing the 10k. I wanted this race to be over. After the race I was grateful for black shorts.

We moved very slow.

I wanted to conserve energy for the 10k but the slow pace was killing me. My friends back was really bothering her. At times she leaned on my daughter and me just to take a few steps. Thank goodness my daughter was there with her big smile and support.

She literally sang Disney songs, LOUDLY, throughout the entire 5k.

I had to remind myself regularly that I was there to support a friend and get her over the finish line. Tomorrow I was asking someone to go at my pace to get me across.

We continued to move forward one step at a time when I noticed that there were medics on bicycles behind us. Talking with them I realized that we were the back of the pack. They let us know that as long as we keep moving we will cross the finish line.

That's when Disney magic happened. There was another group of ladies that had someone struggling. We started talking about simple things but it was enough distraction that everyone kept moving forward. There were golf carts biting at our ankles but we didn't care. Now this group of ladies who had just met created an amazing support system. 

We rounded the corner with the finish line in sight. It was decided that everyone should link arms and cross together. We couldn't have done it without each other.

Looking back I wish I would have relaxed and enjoyed the moment. I'm proud of everyone that was able to get up, put on their running shoes and do their best. 


We did spend a little time in Animal Kingdom before heading back. 
Tomorrow is my big race!

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