Friday, December 6, 2019

Goat 10k training and Vitrual Across the Bay

October - Got back on the walking train. I decided to use the parking lot at wrestling practice as my track for steady paced walks. Turns out that I had a cheering section. They would goat nuts every time I walked by. On my strength training days, the local roads provided variety. I struggled to find the time to get my workouts in on the weekends. We traveled out of state for wrestling tournaments. The driving, early morning weigh-ins, and waiting for the next match to start made it impossible to get in my activities.
I was finally about to get my medals hung in my office. This year a lot of students have been commenting on "all the marathons" I have done. I do explain that so far, the longest distance is 6.2 miles. The students have helped me stay focused on working towards completing a half-marathon. They are so kind and encouraging. 
November - I knew that the wrestling commitments would slow down until regular season in hopes of getting in a few workouts before my December race (more on that later). Started off the month with a crick on the left side of my neck/shoulder and a sinus infection. This didn’t help my training schedule. I was able to get the weight machine and treadmill into their rightful places now that construction is done. Across the Bay 10k was virtual this year and this allowed me to find out that the closet liquor store is 3.1 miles away. Even though I didn’t do any training there was a great desire to participate in a few races to finish out the year. This desire led me to sign up for the local Jingle Bell Run and the Celtic Solstice 5 miler in December.

Unfortunately, the pain in my neck/shoulder continues and the 1st round of antibiotics did nothing for the sinus infection. I will participate in my December races without any training. This scares me! Hoping to just cross the finish line.

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