Thursday, January 3, 2019

Making a plan - 2019!

The princess run is only 48 days away!

So everyone is doing this new year, new you, blah, blah, blah. 

I need to shift focus back to me. Things have been crazy after the kitchen fire and I was using it an excuse not to do any training. Time for change and no more excuses.

My S.M.A.R.T. goal has not changed but there are a few things that need to be modified.

S. - Specific - I will complete the runDisney Princess 10k in 2019
M. - Measurable (Motivating) - I want to prove to myself that I can - Cross the finish line
A. – Achievable (Ambitious) - This year I need to have a qualifying time for better corral placement - had a finish time of 1:42 for 10k
R. - Realistic - With training this is a realistic goal
T. – Time based - race will take place in 274 days - takes place in 48 days

After getting the professional video clips from Across the Bay 10k I realized that my running form had room for improvement. For a Christmas present I hired a running coach through Pax PT Running. I'm so glad that I did this. She has been helping me create weekly work-out schedules. I'm held accountable.


June - The Incredibles virtual 5k
July - The Incredibles  virtual 5k
August - The Incredibles  virtual 5k
September - Great Inflatable Race
October - Jefferson Patterson Park Museum 5k
November - Across the Bay 10k
December - Jingle Bell Run 5k - I was signed up for this race. I totally missed it. It wasn't until friends posted their photos that I remembered it was race day.
January - 
February - Princess 5k and 10k

I also decided to challenge myself to completing 2,019 miles in 2019. This year I plan on counting all of my steps. 

My daughter gave me so light reading for Christmas. I have taken lots of mental notes to get myself ready. Suitcases have been brought upstairs. The final pieces to my costumes have been ordered. 
One last thing! I am trying to increase my water intake prior to Princess. This gallon jug should be able to help. 

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