Tuesday, March 12, 2019


What's a runDisney weekend without a little fun?

There was some character spotting.

 Family time!

Time with friends!

Favorite attractions!

Late nights!

 Thrill rides!

runDisney Princess Half-Marathon weekend was amazing. Thank you to everyone that supported me on reaching this goal.

Monday, March 11, 2019

What's next?

Now that the runDisney Princess Half weekend is over it is time adjust my S.M.A.R.T. goal. 

I have not picked a runDisney race to train for yet. Right now I'm going to focus on the Across the Bay 10k that will take place in November. While working towards my running goals I also need to incorporate strength training, stretching and diet modification. 

S.M.A.R.T. goal.

S. - Specific - Decrease my running pace
M. - Measurable (Motivating) - I want to decreased my time from 17:43 min/mile to 16:00 min/mile
A. – Achievable (Ambitious) - Decreasing my time by 1:43 seems ambitious
R. - RealisticGoing to add strength training and stretching into my training
T. – Time based - November for the Across the Bay 10k

Strength training and stretching

The local pool is offering some classes that I am interested in taking. The classes do not start until April but I'm hoping that I can attend a few classes before then. Since we are still in the middle on construction the home gym has been taken over but I'm hoping to squeak out a spot to start using my Beach Body subscription as well. 

Stretch and Strength LOW INTENSITY - This warm-water, low-impact class will build strength, balance and flexibility as it works your entire body. In our state-of-the-art warm-water pool you will stretch and strengthen your body using various water fitness equipment and body weight exercises designed to increase your core stability, gain a better range of motion and improve your overall strength.
Barre and Balance LOW INTENSITY - This ballet-inspired class is held in the warm water and teaches participants to perform rhythmic movements that sculpt, lengthen and tone. Ballet-based moves are synced with pool-power exercises that improve range of motion, muscular symmetry and balance. No ballet/dance background required.

Diet modification

Let me start by saying I hate cooking but I love food. Also I have taken college level courses on nutrition but still get overwhelmed. There are areas that I need to improve on so that is were I'll start. Again all of this would be easier if my kitchen wasn't currently stripped to the studs. 

March goals
  1. Log all food and drink into my fitness pal
  2. Decrease soda intake - currently drinking up to 120 fluid ounces of Diet Dr. Pepper a day
  3. Increase water intake
  4. Eat something for breakfast every day - important since I'm now taking morning medications
April goals
  1. Weekly meal planning
  2. Weekly breakfast meal prep


January - 
February - runDisney Princess 5k and 10k
March - 
April - 
May - 
June - runDisney Marvel virtual 5k
July - runDisney Marvel virtual 5k
August - runDisney Marvel virtual 5k
September - 
October - 
November - Across the Bay 10k
December - Jingle Bell Run 5k

2019 Princess Weekend - 10k

This is the smile of someone who got a great corral placement. 

Do you see all of those people behind me?

When I woke up that morning I was shocked to see my friend dressed and ready to go. She was in so much pain for the 5k that we were not sure if she would make the 10k at all. My cheerleader, on the other hand, had no desire to get out of bed. 

 It was a beautiful February morning in Florida. There was a crisp wind that made standing in the corrals enjoyable. Before the start of the race we talked about the possibility of splitting up. My friend knew that she would be going slower so she waved good-bye quickly. I was lucky enough to have my little sister with me on this race. She promised that she would make sure that I finished this year. 

Remember that nice, cool morning I was talking about...it didn't last long.

It felt like there was a wall of humidity at the start line. My calves started cramping shortly after we started which really slowed me down. I felt bad because my sister wanted to go. She said that she was sticking with me. 

As we approached mile 2 I started to panic a little. The memories of balloon ladies and sweeper buses overwhelmed me for a moment. I looked behind, took a deep breath and kept moving. 

I told my sister at mile 3 that she was good to go. I knew that I would make it to the finish line. She said that she wanted to make sure that I made it into the parks. As we walked past the "parade bus" I informed them that they weren't getting me this year. My sister laughed and explained that she had no idea about sweeper buses or balloon ladies until I mentioned them. She had never noticed the buses until I pointed them out on the course. 

Once we entered Epcot I thanked my sister and sent her ahead. I was able to stop for a quick moment to take a selfie just outside of Mexico. Even though thousands of people were behind I didn't want to stop for long. I knew that there wouldn't be any stopping for characters during the race but it was fun seeing them along the route but the lines were crazy long. 

I just kept putting one foot in front of the other. When I reached mile 4 my husband texted to see how it was going. I was proud to report that there would not be a sweeper bus finish this year. 

I love/hate how I look in race pictures.

I started to get emotional at mile 6. I had set a goal to participate in Princess 10k many years ago. Nothing was going to stop me from finishing.

This year the tears were for joy. I had done it.

I texted my friend after the race and she was waiting for me. She wanted to go as far as she could but would be thrilled making it to mile 2. She made it to mile 3! It was her decision to board the sweeper bus because she wanted to enjoy the parks with us. 

With snacks boxes in hand we made our way back to the resort. I finally get a text message from my cheerleader. She was finally up and where should she meet us. We told her that she should have balloons, a banner and the ice pack ready when we walked in the door. She giggled but had the ice packs wrapped in towels for us. 

My wonderful girl helped me bandage up my blistered toes. I didn't care because I had finished. 

When my friends daughter arrived she made sure we had a hot breakfast. I couldn't resist making Mickey. 

2019 Princess Weekend - 5k

We had a super early wake up call for the 5k. I was grouchy and had a low tolerance for people. My back was hurting and it was causing me to be anxious about finishing the 10k. I wanted this race to be over. After the race I was grateful for black shorts.

We moved very slow.

I wanted to conserve energy for the 10k but the slow pace was killing me. My friends back was really bothering her. At times she leaned on my daughter and me just to take a few steps. Thank goodness my daughter was there with her big smile and support.

She literally sang Disney songs, LOUDLY, throughout the entire 5k.

I had to remind myself regularly that I was there to support a friend and get her over the finish line. Tomorrow I was asking someone to go at my pace to get me across.

We continued to move forward one step at a time when I noticed that there were medics on bicycles behind us. Talking with them I realized that we were the back of the pack. They let us know that as long as we keep moving we will cross the finish line.

That's when Disney magic happened. There was another group of ladies that had someone struggling. We started talking about simple things but it was enough distraction that everyone kept moving forward. There were golf carts biting at our ankles but we didn't care. Now this group of ladies who had just met created an amazing support system. 

We rounded the corner with the finish line in sight. It was decided that everyone should link arms and cross together. We couldn't have done it without each other.

Looking back I wish I would have relaxed and enjoyed the moment. I'm proud of everyone that was able to get up, put on their running shoes and do their best. 


We did spend a little time in Animal Kingdom before heading back. 
Tomorrow is my big race!