Monday, September 24, 2018

I didn't quit!

Half way through C25K!

Really proud of myself for making it this far. Haven't repeated a week (so far). 


When things got tough I didn't quit! During the last few long runs my feet would go numb around mile 2 causing some anxiety. Before you ask I had already made sure that my shoes were not too tight. I have also replaced the insole of my shoe to help with the foot cramping that I experienced recently. 

Jump to Friday's long run. At the 2 mile mark the numbness started but I kept to the training. Decided with the start of each interval that I would maintain my pace. I focused on what was ahead of me. When I hit 2.5 miles my feet were no longer numb and I finished strong. 

I didn't quit! 

Upcoming Races:

September - The Great Inflatable Race
October - Jefferson Patterson Park Museum 5k
November - Across the Bay 10k
December - Jingle Bell Run 5k
January - No race just focusing on training
February - runDisney Princess 5k and 10k

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

TEAMUP - The am-BASS-adors

I have joined up with Autism Speaks for the runDisney Princess 10k. There are 2 wonderful ladies that have also joined me. All of us are touched by Autism daily. 

GO Team am-BASS-adors!

I am running in support of Autism Speaks to help fund treatments, increase advocacy efforts, and raise awareness in the fight against autism. Autism is the second most common developmental disorder in the United States, affecting one in every 68 children born today. Despite some promising discoveries, the cause of autism is unknown and research is crucial. Every 11 minutes another child is diagnosed with autism. This is your chance to help change the future of all affected by autism by raising money for autism research and heightening public awareness.

Please consider supporting me. All donations are tax deductible. Click the link below for my personal fundraising page.

Why are we The am-BASS-adors?

There is a wonderful group of people you have dedicated their lives to support children and families affected by autism. Behavior Analysis Support Services, Inc. has been providing these services since 2003 and has locations throughout Florida. 

Monday, September 17, 2018

Hello new school year

It has been nice getting back to work. 

After several hours of work my personal touch has been added to my office. I like to make the health room welcoming. Stress levels are always at an all time high this time of year. Bad habits tend to creep in. I'm drinking more soda, eating take-out and not getting enough sleep. 

There are a few things that I am proud of:
  1. I have had my fastest mile.
  2. Sticking to my C25K schedule.
  3. Used my run as a stress reduction.
  4. Completing a run, late at night, instead of skipping it.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Offically a princess in training

Signing up for the races was no easy task. 

Your challenge if you accept it:

  • Register 5 people for the runDisney Princess 5k and 10k.
  • Complete registration while traveling to your mother-in-laws doctors appointment.
    • Extra points for unreliable cell/hotspot service
  • You are not smart enough to obtain personal information prior to registration.
    • Extra point for working with a teenager that is technology stupid.
  • Make sure you log into the wrong site on the computer which forces you to use the cell phone.
    • Extra points for working a teenager who types slower than molasses in January.
  • Ignore the car sickness because everyone is counting on you.

Did I succeed?

Everyone is registered for the 5k. Only 2 have spots for the 10k.

Lesson learned:

Complete the registration for the 10k first then focus on the 5k. 

Summer = no routine

Full moon over the Chesapeake Bay
Working for the school system has many perks. I get to enjoy the month of July work free. 

I always have great plans for summer. Every day the to do list grows leaps and bounds while I figure out what show to binge watch. There is no routine. This means every August I look back wondering if I accomplished anything.

Camp shenanigans
For the last 11 years my summer starts off with Camp Bay Breeze. After a year of planning I get to spend a hot, smelly, wonderful week with 200 of my closest Girl Scout friends. There is nothing that compares to a week in the woods with amazing adults and girls.

The remainder of my summer was spent visiting colleges, getting senior pictures and visiting family. Work-out gear always packed but never used. This summer has taught me something. I need the daily routine. 

Upcoming Races:

June - Incredibles Virtual 5k
July - Incredibles Virtual 5k
August - Incredibles Virtual 5k
September - The Great Inflatable Race
October - Jefferson Patterson Park Museum 5k
November - Across the Bay 10k
December - Jingle Bell Run 5k
February - runDisney Princess 5k and 10k

Good-bye summer