Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Life gets in the way


I hope that everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! The family traveled to Pennsylvania to enjoy time with everyone. It was nice to get away for a little bit. There was snow on the ground and the temperatures were in the single digits at night. I became a bear hibernating on the coach. 

Before Thanksgiving we had a small kitchen fire. Thank goodness that the damage was minimal and no one was hurt. The clean up process has been overwhelming. EVERYTHING needs to be washed. It's been painstakingly slow and I'm still not done. The cooktop will need to be replaced. It could have been worse. Things just need to get back to normal.

runDisney posted the medals for the Princess 5k and 10k. I need to post the pictures around the house to motivate me to get back to training. 

Monday, November 5, 2018

It's A Bridge...Get Over it

This is my favorite race. The official times and pictures are not available yet but I feel great!

There was a slight chill in the area but the sun shone bright. I started the race with a light jacket. Once we were moving I warmed up quickly and lost the jacket around 1.5 mile. My running companion was my daughter again this year. She danced and sang the entire 6.2 miles. I love that this is how we get "girl" time in. Not sure who will be running with me next year. She has been my biggest cheerleader. 

I turned on my Extra Mile podcast and listened to Jeff Galloway encouraging words. There was no fear of the sweeper buses this year because 1.) I have been training consistently and 2.) we started in a much earlier corral then assigned. I also learned the importance of anti-chafe and what areas might need it. 
I have traveled across this bridge many times since moving to Maryland 15 years ago. Shortly after moving here my parents came to visit and I drove them across the bridge. My dad asked me later why we had gone over to turn around and come back. My reply "isn't it an awesome bridge". I still think that the bridge is awesome and love that they open it once a year for this race. May I have many more bridge crossings.

My only regret is that I will never complete the puzzle. I needed to start in 2014 to get all the pieces. 

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Jefferson Patterson Park Museum 5K

I have some mixed feelings about this race. 

The calf pain drama continues. I am learning to listen to my body and seek professional advice when needed. On Thursday I had an appointment with the orthopedist to get to the bottom of this pain. X-rays showed nothing of significance. The finally diagnosis is bi-lateral calf strains. Doctors orders...rest (ugh), ice the calves 3 times a day, compression socks during the day, and ibuprofen. He did say that I could walk at a leisurely pace.

There was a part of me that thought about skipping the race. It was a cold, dreary morning and I was disappointed with being sidelined. After reminding myself of how far I have come we were ready to go. 

Since I was going to have a leisurely race experience Kathryn went on head of me. Goal-just to cross the finish line and enjoy the park. Threw on The Extra Mile Podcast so I could hear Jeff Galloway cheering me on. As fellow racers started to pass me my competitive nature kicked in. On those flat stretches I had to remind myself not to run. I didn't want to finish last and paid the price for it. 

Cardiac Hill

After the race we were super hungry. Celebratory breakfast at Bob Evans. Everyone looked at me funny because of my fashion statement. I see nothing wrong with my Sparkle Skirt, compression sleeves and flip flops. 

The remainder of Saturday was spent resting with ice packs strapped to my legs. 

Looking forward to the Across the Bay 10k in November!

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Inflatables and other great things

The name of this race says it all. Who doesn't love running from inflatable obstacle to inflatable obstacle?

Go team am-BASS-adors! We were not out to beat any personal records but to cross the finish line in one piece.

There are more videos available on my youtube page.

I made it through week 4 of C25K. 

My husband rubbing my feet and calves after my long runs.

I was able to get a few personal records during week 6 of C25K.

Monday, September 24, 2018

I didn't quit!

Half way through C25K!

Really proud of myself for making it this far. Haven't repeated a week (so far). 


When things got tough I didn't quit! During the last few long runs my feet would go numb around mile 2 causing some anxiety. Before you ask I had already made sure that my shoes were not too tight. I have also replaced the insole of my shoe to help with the foot cramping that I experienced recently. 

Jump to Friday's long run. At the 2 mile mark the numbness started but I kept to the training. Decided with the start of each interval that I would maintain my pace. I focused on what was ahead of me. When I hit 2.5 miles my feet were no longer numb and I finished strong. 

I didn't quit! 

Upcoming Races:

September - The Great Inflatable Race
October - Jefferson Patterson Park Museum 5k
November - Across the Bay 10k
December - Jingle Bell Run 5k
January - No race just focusing on training
February - runDisney Princess 5k and 10k

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

TEAMUP - The am-BASS-adors

I have joined up with Autism Speaks for the runDisney Princess 10k. There are 2 wonderful ladies that have also joined me. All of us are touched by Autism daily. 

GO Team am-BASS-adors!

I am running in support of Autism Speaks to help fund treatments, increase advocacy efforts, and raise awareness in the fight against autism. Autism is the second most common developmental disorder in the United States, affecting one in every 68 children born today. Despite some promising discoveries, the cause of autism is unknown and research is crucial. Every 11 minutes another child is diagnosed with autism. This is your chance to help change the future of all affected by autism by raising money for autism research and heightening public awareness.

Please consider supporting me. All donations are tax deductible. Click the link below for my personal fundraising page.

Why are we The am-BASS-adors?

There is a wonderful group of people you have dedicated their lives to support children and families affected by autism. Behavior Analysis Support Services, Inc. has been providing these services since 2003 and has locations throughout Florida. 

Monday, September 17, 2018

Hello new school year

It has been nice getting back to work. 

After several hours of work my personal touch has been added to my office. I like to make the health room welcoming. Stress levels are always at an all time high this time of year. Bad habits tend to creep in. I'm drinking more soda, eating take-out and not getting enough sleep. 

There are a few things that I am proud of:
  1. I have had my fastest mile.
  2. Sticking to my C25K schedule.
  3. Used my run as a stress reduction.
  4. Completing a run, late at night, instead of skipping it.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Offically a princess in training

Signing up for the races was no easy task. 

Your challenge if you accept it:

  • Register 5 people for the runDisney Princess 5k and 10k.
  • Complete registration while traveling to your mother-in-laws doctors appointment.
    • Extra points for unreliable cell/hotspot service
  • You are not smart enough to obtain personal information prior to registration.
    • Extra point for working with a teenager that is technology stupid.
  • Make sure you log into the wrong site on the computer which forces you to use the cell phone.
    • Extra points for working a teenager who types slower than molasses in January.
  • Ignore the car sickness because everyone is counting on you.

Did I succeed?

Everyone is registered for the 5k. Only 2 have spots for the 10k.

Lesson learned:

Complete the registration for the 10k first then focus on the 5k. 

Summer = no routine

Full moon over the Chesapeake Bay
Working for the school system has many perks. I get to enjoy the month of July work free. 

I always have great plans for summer. Every day the to do list grows leaps and bounds while I figure out what show to binge watch. There is no routine. This means every August I look back wondering if I accomplished anything.

Camp shenanigans
For the last 11 years my summer starts off with Camp Bay Breeze. After a year of planning I get to spend a hot, smelly, wonderful week with 200 of my closest Girl Scout friends. There is nothing that compares to a week in the woods with amazing adults and girls.

The remainder of my summer was spent visiting colleges, getting senior pictures and visiting family. Work-out gear always packed but never used. This summer has taught me something. I need the daily routine. 

Upcoming Races:

June - Incredibles Virtual 5k
July - Incredibles Virtual 5k
August - Incredibles Virtual 5k
September - The Great Inflatable Race
October - Jefferson Patterson Park Museum 5k
November - Across the Bay 10k
December - Jingle Bell Run 5k
February - runDisney Princess 5k and 10k

Good-bye summer

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

New goals!

During the Dark Side Half-Marathon I may not have achieved my goals but it will not stop me.
Now it is time for me to put on my big girl panties and set new goals. I plan to focus on my fitness/health goals here.
Here we go!

S. - Specific - I will complete the runDisney Princess 10k in 2019
M. - Measurable (Motivating) - I want to prove to myself that I can
A. – Achievable (Ambitious) - This year I need to have a qualifying time for better corral placement
R. - Realistic - With training this is a realistic goal
T. – Time based - The race will take place 274 days from today

Upcoming races

June - The Incredibles virtual 5k
July - The Incredibles  virtual 5k
August - The Incredibles  virtual 5k
September - George Washington Patriot Run 10k (?)
October - SMAWL Rescue 5k Fun Run and Trail Walk 2018 (?)
November - Across the Bay 10k, Project Echo Turkey Trot 5k (?)
December - Jingle Bell Run 5k
February - Princess 5k and 10k

W.o.W - Within one Week

Re-start the Easy 5k with Jeff Galloway lolo app.

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Dark Side Half Marathon - 10k

Deja vu! It's race number 2!
Kellie woke me at 2:30am and I pleaded for 10 more minutes. Sadly I was denied for the second morning in a row. We got dressed in our 10k outfits, had a half of a half of a bagel (again with "it's a quarter") and walked to the buses.
 For this race I had a lot of anxiety. Kellie knew that she would be picked up by the sweeper bus but wanted to go as far as she could. I wanted to cross the finish line. This bus ride felt different. Not sure if it was due to the lighting on the bus, the anticipation, or my anxiety. 

The walk for the bus drop off seemed longer. I felt rushed getting to the corral. Kellie and I split up for gear drop off/bathroom breaks but then it took forever to find her.
Again we were in corral F. Not a great starting place so we knew we had to make our way to the front. During the pre-race fun we stretched and weaved through a mass of people. We had a great spot to view the monitors and start line. As each corral started I became more excited to start the race until...
I'm in the back! There are only 20 people behind me! How did this happen?
Take a deep breath...
I cross the start line and start to jog. Remember you can do this. I round a corner and see that Kellie is being passed by the balloon ladies. DON"T PANIC!
Take a deep breath...
Medics on bicycles are passing me to assist with a lady that has twisted her ankle. People who had stopped for a bathroom break are leaving the line and running. Just keep moving! You can do this!
Mile marker 1.
"Pump your arms. You're doing great." It can't be the balloon ladies already.

Don't panic! Keep close to them.
A medic on a bike goes by and asks if I'm okay. With a smile plastered to my face I let her know that I am great.
Take a deep breath...
"You've fallen behind pace. You need to pick it up or you'll be picked up."
Keep moving and smile. Don't stop! Don't quit!
Mile marker 2 is just up ahead.

"Ma'am you need to move off the course." What!?! My race can't end this way.
I start to cry. Ugly cry.
Thank you to all the runners at mile marker 2 for your love and support. Your words were kind and I heard them.
As we are loading the bus I can hear Kellie telling everyone that she was the first loser. The sweeper bus got to her first. She is offering kind words to everyone. Her words of advice to me "stop hiding your face, cry but hold your head up high".

I failed! It didn't matter what anyone said to me I failed.

It was a long ride to the finishing area. I am still ugly crying.
Thank you to all the Make-A-Wish volunteers for your love and support. At this point Kellie has all the volunteers turn because there is only one way to stop someone from crying. It didn't work; still ugly crying.
We received our medals and snack boxes. I have no desire to hang out at the post-race festivities so it's time to get on the resort bus.
Good friends know when you need to be alone and cry.

At least the outfit is cute
I was able to complete 2 miles in 34:24. Roughly a 17 min/mile pace. This was the same pace I had for the Across the Bay 10k. If I had been in a different corral I could have finished. I was on pace to finish in 1:48; the last person to cross the finish line did it at 2:22.
Take a deep breath...and a shower.
Good friends also know when you need breakfast.
“Asante sana squash banana!”
 I wore my 10k shirt but couldn't bring myself to wear the medal. It felt like I didn't earn it. Finally the crying had stopped and we had a full day ahead of us. Since we were not running in the half our plan was to drink around the world in Epcot.
There are 11 countries in Epcot's World Showcase. We made it to Canada for a Maple Popcorn Shake with Whiskey. The UK offered a Cider Flight but the only flavor I remember was black cherry. In France we had some sort of wine slushy. At the Akershus Royal Banquet in Norway I had this wonderful red drink that was yummy. Did not like the margarita from Mexico.  
The day had been exhausting both mentally and physically so we went back to the resort early. This weekend has made me realize that I am getting old physically. I will never grow up mentally.
These post took awhile to write because every time I think about this race I cry. The medal is hung on the rack with a sticker that clearly marks it as a DNF (did not finish).

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Dark Side Half Marathon - 5k


Race day is finally here!
The alarm went off at 2:30am. Thank goodness Kellie was up because I did not want to get out of bed. I begged for 10 for minutes but was denied. We got dressed and managed to eat a half of a half of a bagel (Kellie says it was a quarter). The resort was eerily quite as we made our way to the buses.
The energy on the bus was AMAZING! Kellie was trying to appear tired but don't let her fool you.
We made our way to corral F (the last corral) and worked our way toward the front. Kellie is a social butterfly so we met some great runners. This certainly helped the time pass. We had front row "seats" for the pre-race fun. We also had a great spot to see some impressive costumes.
As soon as the first corral was released I could feel the adrenaline. Each corral was broken down into mini-corrals. This allowed for less congestion at the starting line. I was surprised at how quickly each corral was released.

 We started in the parking lot at Epcot which would also serve at the finish. After crossing the start line you make your way long some of the back roads but a majority of this race take place in Epcot. My job on this race was to keep Kellie moving at a good pace. She refused to believe me that there would not be a sweeper bus for this race.

We decided to make a quick stop in front of Spaceship Earth since our goal was to finish. No stopping for characters.
Well maybe we will stop for a purple droid and a Jawa!
Kellie had a personal record of 1:07. Congratulations!

Since my focus was on the 10k I just enjoyed the race and was thankful that I could participate.

After the race we went back to the resort with our goody box to grab a quick shower before heading to the Magic Kingdom. Celebration dinner was at Cinderella's Royal Table. A character dining experience should be on everyone's Disney to do list. We were treated like royalty.
Tip: Wear your medal all day. EVERYONE will congratulate you! 
It will be an early bed time because we will do this all again tomorrow!