Tuesday, February 21, 2017

How did I get here?

About 4 years ago I was trying to teach my son how to ride his bike. He was convinced that he would never learn to ride without those training wheels. We fell and I experienced severe back pain. I went to the emergency room the next day and diagnosed with muscle pain. They gave me some muscle relaxers, narcotic pain medication and told to rest for a week.

My pain would come and go over the next few years. There would be times when the pain would be severe (after Zumba class). I learned to live with a daily pain level of 2.

I gained weight and struggled with hypertension. When the number of medications that I take daily reached 10 things needed to change. In March I decided to train for a 5k using a walk-run-walk program. I would run the bus lane while my son was at lacrosse practice. Every time I trained my legs would go numb about 15 minutes into the session. I chalked it up to be out of shape and there was no quitting.

One evening practice was cancelled do to a storm. Since it wasn't raining at the house I chose to train in my community. After training my back hurt. Training had to stop.

I have tried everything to relieve the pain. Heat, ice, over the counter pain medications, narcotics, physical therapy and chiropractors. While visiting the chiropractor a x-ray showed that I had a pars fracture to L5-S1 with grade 2 slippage. I finally had an idea of what was wrong and we had created a conservative treatment plan.

My son finally learned to ride his bike without those training wheels. Only took him 2 years!

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