Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Surgery day!

I can't believe that this day is finally here.

With a 3pm surgery start time it was a LONG day. My husband and I arrived to the surgery center 2 hours prior to the start time. Having worked in a hospital I understand the logic behind this but as a patient my anxiety level was rising.

They take us back to the pre-op area. I change into my sexy hospital gown, non-slip socks, and blue hat. Of course they need a urine sample but I have been NPO (nothing per oral) since midnight. Good news...not pregnant. I was at a teaching hospital so there was a constant stream of professionals visiting my bedside asking the same questions. During all of this we were able to find some humor from the lady beside us. She couldn't remember which doctors had been in to see her (understandable), which knee needed to be repaired, and when she was admitted because of infection. She also talked about crazy things...her cats, book recommendations and what was going on with her knee.

When it's finally time to roll they give me some versed. I don't remember a thing until recovery.

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