Thursday, February 23, 2017

Two steps forward...

I was very excited for physical therapy to start today. My husband went with me yesterday to get my new shoes. Nothing can go wrong with this day...

I am one month out of surgery. I had a 2 week follow up and everything was good.

Last week I had a sharp pain around my incision. I figured that I did too much. I did not take time to look at the incision. BIG MISTAKE! My incision is in a fat roll. I have a back brace that pushes on said fat roll all day. I sweat a lot in said fat roll. I started to notice an odor from said fat roll. I showered and it went away. As I tell my students personal hygiene is very important. But the smell kept coming back. Last night I was tired of the sweaty smell so I powered up and went to bed. This morning I woke up and the smell was back. I looked and the incision had opened.

Seriously! Called the neurosurgeon and he was able to see me right away. Thank goodness the opening is superficial. No redness, drainage or fever. We are going to keep a close eye on it and keep it covered. He did let me know that I could start physical therapy! 

What a long day!

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