Wednesday, February 22, 2017


Let me start by saying I DO NOT handle pain well.

I remember waking up in recovery having abdominal pain. This was my first abdominal surgery. I knew it would hurt but I was not prepared for this amount of pain. The nurse in recovery was wonderful and tolerated my complaints of pain. At some point they started my pain medication on a PDA infusion pump. Every 8 minutes I would push the button and the pain would go away.

At midnight they transferred me to a regular hospital room. Ready to're in a hospital remember.

It was decided that I needed to have a post-op x-ray AT 3AM. Later that morning they get me up to use the bathroom. Have you ever been in a kindergarten classroom bathroom? I swear the toilet was 2 inches off the floor. It took the nurse and my husband to help me stand up. I learned that my husband truly loves me...I held conversations with the TV set and he did not video tape it. There were blood pressure issues, oxygen level issues, constipation and incision pain. Through it all I was surprised that there was no back pain. NO BACK PAIN!

I wish that I could remember the names of everyone who took care of me. The doctors, nurses, nurse techs, house keeping, cafeteria workers, EVERYONE! Thank you for all of your handwork.

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