Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Unable to work

In October life changed.

The pain went from bad to worse. Just walking into the building every day was difficult. Friends and co-workers had to assist me with basic tasks.

I remember one day I went to lunch and found myself crying at the table. The pain was horrible. A co-worker called my husband and doctor. I was placed on strong pain medications and bed rest. They sent me for a MRI, CT and x-ray. It was recommended that I follow up with an orthopedic surgeon. From there I was sent to a pain clinic to have epidural injections.

It is the nature of these pain but I felt like a criminal down to the piss test.

I had 3 epidural injections and do not want to EVER go through that again. I will admit that there are control issues. I'm a nurse; it's hard to be on the receiving end of care. During my second injection I had an anxiety attack before the injection. I would receive about 3 days of relief but the pain would come back.

While getting these injections, a co-worker recommended that I get a second opinion. I went to visit a neurosurgeon and he recommended that I have surgery. Of course I was ready to go that day but unfortunately we had to wait until there was an opening in his schedule.

I am grateful to my husband, daughter, and sisters. We would not have had Thanksgiving or Christmas without their help.

Surgery scheduled for January 24th.

P.S. I did obtain a cane to help me walk. A friend promised to jazz it up and I'm still waiting.

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