Tuesday, February 21, 2017

More doctors appointments

Getting ready was hell!

I think that I was pack to go to the hospital in November. My sister was able to take time off of work to help with the kids. Let's do this!

The best laid plans of mice and men...

2 weeks prior to surgery the anesthesiologist called because they have not received the pre-op clearance. I manage to get an appointment with them 1 week prior to surgery. At this appointment I find out that they are concerned about my EKG so I need to follow up with a cardiologist. I am able to get an appointment on January 23rd. I also get diagnosed with bronchitis.

1 week prior to surgery the surgeon's office called to tell me that they had not received the clearance from my primary care physician. I am able to get an appointment January 23rd.

Ugh! I am worried that they are not going to clear me for this surgery. Thank goodness that my sister was here and she drove me to all the appointment on the 23rd. She was able to make me laugh through all the tears.

We were the last to leave out of the cardiologist office but I had received clearance. AWESOME but I have to follow up because of changes to my EKG.

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